недеља, 15. фебруар 2015.

Ruma for children suffering from cancer

Events and fundraising for children with cancer is marked by the release of balloons in the town square in Ruma ( Serbia ) .

Ruma za decu obolelu od raka

Manifestacija i skupljanje priloga za decu obolelu od raka obeležena je puštanjem balona na gradskom trgu u Rumi (Srbija).

National Day in Serbia

Serbia will present a series of events to mark National Day , to commemorate the day when the gathering in Orašac in 1804. First Serbian Uprising , and the day is in Kragujevac in 1835 adopted a constitution Sretenje.

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic will attend the ceremony of laying wreaths at the monument to the Unknown hero, Avala and award medals , while the Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic lay a wreath at the monument to Dimitrije Davidovic, creator Sretenje constitution , the Zemun quay .

Among a decorated on the occasion of the National Day of the Serbian Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ljubisa Diković for special merits in building a defense system and command and control military units , Smilja Avramov for special merits for the country and its citizens in the field of scientific and educational activities , an American professor Noam Chomsky to Order merits in the field of public, scientific , educational and cultural activities.

Were honored and Volleyball Federation of Serbia for special merits for the Republic of Serbia and its citizens , and achieved remarkable results in sports activities , Professor John Kline for special merits for the Republic of Serbia and its citizens in the area of ​​public , scientific, educational and cultural activities.

Serbian President will also attend the detection memorials " Eagle Eye " - on the bumper of the fatherland 1914 2014 House of the Serbian Armed Forces , and the evening will organize a gala reception .

Prime Minister Vucic had previously announced that the laurel wreath at the monument Davidovic lay before going to Zagreb , the inauguration of the new Croatian President.

He added that during his stay in Zagreb visit the Diocese SPC , and that the President of the Serbian National Council (SNC ) , Milorad Pupovac attend the liturgy in Serbian Statehood Day - Visitation of the Orthodox Church in Zagreb.

Speaker of the National Assembly Maja Gojkovic will lay a wreath on the coffin of Karadjordje in the church of St. George in .

Wreath laying ceremony will be conducted with full state and military honors will , on this occasion , to pay honorary Guards units of the Army of Serbia and representative of the Serbian Army Guard Orchestra .
Justice Minister Nikola Selakovic attend the ceremony marking the Day of the Republic of Serbia, which will be organized in the old building of the City of Kragujevac.

Before the ceremony in Kragujevac , Minister Selaković attended by laying a wreath by the monument to Dimitrije Davidovic in Zemun .

On the National Day , visitors will have an opportunity to visit the current exhibition at the Historical Museum of Serbia Nikola Pasic Square in Residence of Prince Milos.

Director of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric attended in Kosovska Mitrovica the ceremony on the occasion of the National Day of Serbia .

It is anticipated that in addition to Djuric Academy participants turn to the Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Affairs, Veterans Aleksandar Vulin , the mayor of Kosovska Mitrovica Pramod Interim President and organs of Kosovska Mitrovica Aleksandar Spirić .

On the occasion of the National Day of Serbia , in Belgrade will , at Nikola Pasic Square , visitors have the opportunity to see the " Serbia 1914" and its thematic extension of the exhibition "Women face the Great War " , reminiscent of the Historical Museum of Serbia .

Presentation, Serbian Statehood Day , this year will celebrate three days due to the fact that February 15th is a Sunday , so it will be days will be Monday and Tuesday.

Dan državnosti u Srbiji

Srbija će danas nizom manifestacija obeležiti Dan državnosti, u spomen na dan kada je na zboru u Orašcu 1804. godine podignut Prvi srpski ustanak, i dan kada je u Kragujevcu 1835. godine donet Sretenjski ustav.

Predsednik Srbije Tomislav Nikolić će prisustvovati ceremoniji polaganja venaca na spomeniku Neznanog junaka na Avali i dodeliti odlikovanja, dok će premijer Aleksandar Vučić položiti venac na spomenik Dimitriju Davidoviću, tvorcu Sretenjskog ustava, na Zemunskom keju.

Među odlikovanima povodom Dana državnosti su načelnik Generalštaba Vojske Srbije general Ljubiša Diković za naročite zasluge u izgradnji sistema odbrane i komandovanju i rukovođenju vojnim jedinicama, Smilja Avramov za naročite zasluge za Srbiju i njene građane u oblasti naučne i prosvetne delatnosti, američki profesor Noam Čomski za naročite zasluge u oblasti javnih, naučnih, prosvetnih i kulturnih delatnosti.

Odlikovani su i Vaterpolo savez Srbije za naročite zasluge za Republiku Srbiju i njene građane i postignute izuzetne rezultate u sportskim delatnostima, profesor Ivan Klajn za naročite zasluge za Republiku Srbiju i njene građane u oblasti javnih, naučnih, prosvetnih i kulturnih delatnosti.

Predsednik Srbije će prisustvovati i otkrivanju spomen-obeležja "Oko sokolovo" - Na Braniku otadžbine 1914.-2014.u Domu Vojske Srbije, a uveče će organizovati i svečani prijem.

Premijer Vučić je ranije je najavio da će lovorov venac na spomeniku Davidoviću položiti pred odlazak u Zagreb, na inauguraciju nove hrvatske predsednice.
Dodao je da će tokom boravka u Zagrebu posetiti Mitropoliju SPC, te da će sa predsednikom Srpskog narodnog veća (SNV) Miloradom Pupovcem prisustvovati liturgiji na Dan srpske državnosti - Sretenje u pravoslavnoj crkvi u Zagrebu.

Predsednica Narodne skupštine Maja Gojković će položiti venac na sarkofag vožda Karađorđa u crkvi svetog Đorđa na Oplencu.

Ceremonija polaganja venca biće obavljena uz najviše državne i vojne počasti koje će, tom prilikom, odati počasna jedinica Garde Vojske Srbije i Reprezentativni orkestar Garde Vojske Srbije.

Ministar pravde Nikola Selaković prisustvovaće svečanoj akademiji povodom obeležavanja Dana državnosti Republike Srbije koja će biti organizovana u zgradi stare Skupštine Grada Kragujevca.

Pre svečanosti u Kragujevcu, ministar Selaković prisustvovaće i polaganju venca kraj spomenika Dimitriju Davidoviću u Zemunu.

Na Dan državnosti posetioci će moći besplatno da posete aktuelne izložbe Istorijskog muzeja Srbije na Trgu Nikole Pašića i u Konaku kneza Miloša u Topčideru.

Direktor vladine Kancelarije za Kosovo i Metohiju Marko Đurić prisustvovaće u Kosovskoj Mitrovici svečanoj akademiji povodom Dana državnosti Srbije.

Predviđeno je da se pored Đurića učesnicima akademije obrate i ministar za rad, zapošljavanje, boračka i socijalna pitanja Aleksandar Vulin, gradonačelnik Kosovske Mitrovice Goran Rakić i predsednik Privremenog organa Kosovske Mitrovice Aleksandar Spirić.

Povodom Dana državnosti Srbije, u Beogradu će, na Trgu Nikole Pašića posetioci imaju priliku da vide postavku "Srbija 1914" i njenu tematsku ekstenziju izložbe "Žensko lice Velikog rata", podsećaju iz Istorijskog muzeja Srbije.

Sretenje, Dan državnosti Srbije, ove godine će se praznovati tri dana s obzirom na to da 15. februar pada u nedelju, pa će neradni dani biti ponedeljak i utorak.

субота, 7. фебруар 2015.

Srbija u slikama ( Serbia pictures)

Ovo je moja zemlja, Srbija prikazana u slikama... Nastavak sledi :)

This is my country , Serbia is shown in the pictures ... To be continued :)